electronic current

electronic current
ток, электронный

Англо-русский словарь по ядерным испытаниям и горному делу. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "electronic current" в других словарях:

  • electronic current — elektroninė srovė statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. electron current; electronic current vok. Elektronenstrom, m rus. электронный ток, m pranc. courant électronique, m …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • Electronic engineering — is a discipline dealing with the behavior and effects of electrons (as in electron tubes and transistors) and with electronic devices, systems, or equipment.The term now also covers a large part of electrical engineering degree courses as studied …   Wikipedia

  • Current limiting — is the practice in electrical or electronic circuits of imposing an upper limit on the current that may be delivered to a load with the purpose of protecting the circuit generating or transmitting the current from harmful effects due to a short… …   Wikipedia

  • Electronic noise — is an unwanted signal characteristic of all electronic circuits. Depending on the circuit, the noise put out by electronic devices can vary greatly. This noise comes from many different electronic effects.Thermal noise and shot noise are inherent …   Wikipedia

  • Electronic pest control — is the name given to the use of any of the several types of electrically powered devices designed to repel or eliminate pests, usually rodents or insects.Numerous electronic pest control devices are readily available throughout the world.… …   Wikipedia

  • Electronic toll collection — (ETC), an adaptation of military identification friend or foe technology, aims to eliminate the delay on toll roads by collecting tolls electronically. It is thus a technological implementation of a road pricing concept. It determines whether the …   Wikipedia

  • Electronic publishing — or ePublishing includes the digital publication of e books and electronic articles, and the development of digital libraries and catalogues. Electronic publishing has become common in scientific publishing where it has been argued that peer… …   Wikipedia

  • Electronic rock — Stylistic origins Rock, Electronic Music, New Wave Cultural origins Germany, UK, USA Typical instruments Keyboards, guitar, bass, drums, synthesizers, percussion …   Wikipedia

  • Electronic civil disobedience — Electronic civil disobedience, also known as ECD or cyber civil disobedience, can refer to any type of civil disobedience in which the participants use information technology to carry out their actions. Electronic civil disobedience often… …   Wikipedia

  • Electronic literature — is a literary genre consisting of works of literature that originate within digital environments. Contents 1 Definitions 2 Preservation and archiving 3 Notable people and works …   Wikipedia

  • Electronic test equipment — (sometimes called testgear ) is used to create signals and capture responses from electronic Devices Under Test (DUTs). In this way, the proper operation of the DUT can be proven or faults in the device can be traced and repaired. Use of… …   Wikipedia

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